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Cybersecurity Program Development

A cybersecurity program is an interlocking of solutions: hardware, software, policy, and education. Our program development adapts to the nature and operations of any organization. For example, our development for a constellation of independent organization and cannot be commanded to adopt a typical “top down” command type of program.

What we did was to start with assessments designed to introduce cybersecurity concepts and identify vulnerabilities that build an effective cybersecurity structure with sensitivity. This included hardware solutions, software, policy, and education elements. This was combined with a monthly cybersecurity newsletter that translated cybersecurity issues into language that leadership can easily understand without jargon. In addition, we instituted an education program that offered cybersecurity videos and phishing simulations to educate staff and identify those staff that need additional education.

All this was done to create a cybersecurity program with the elements of defense in depth, education, and stakeholder engagement.

Cybersecurity Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis

The first building block in any program is the assessment. This lays out the nature of the organization, it’s size and operations that will affect the final recommendations.

Then comes the analysis of the existing network including hardware, software, cybersecurity policy, and cybersecurity education. This involves engagement with all stakeholders: leadership, IT support, etc. All this in language that is devoid of jargon.

The next section is an identification of those vulnerabilities in each of these areas. Along with this is an explanation of why this is a risk.

The final section, Recommendations, consists of specific solutions to the identified vulnerabilities taking into account the established cybersecurity standards and the financial ability of the organizations to afford them.

Crisis Management and Recovery

Once your network has been infected with malware, we can help you recover and direct your efforts in increasing your security posture.